
Slow Down

Slow Down Your Life

When we come into the new year some of us have our to-do lists that hit the ground, and you’re not alone. It seems that people are only getting busier, but why? We’ve had this surge in technology to make life easier and decrease the amount of time spent on tasks- but do we capitalize on the free time it creates?

The Guilt Trip- Ever feel guilty for sitting back with your feet up? Or curling up on the couch for a midday movie? Tons of people feel guilty for spending time relaxing or doing nothing at all. And we’re guessing this has to do with our GO GO GO culture where laziness is frowned upon – we work hard, pull ourselves up and get things done. We’re here to tell you it’s OK to slow down, in fact, its more than OK – it’s good for you. So go ahead, clear your schedule, cozy up on the couch with a good book, your friends, and family.

The Why- There is a ton of research out there that benefits relaxation – some is a bit more obvious like stress relief, but other reasons may surprise you. Below are just the few benefits; we encourage you to research more on this topic also.

Research has shown relaxation and relaxation techniques can:

· Strengthen your immune system

· Ward off disease

· Lower blood pressure

· Improve the body’s ability to regulate blood glucose

· Lessen severe pain

· Boost your memory

· Lower stroke risk

The How- For many it is hard to unwind, and if you’ve always felt guilty for having some “me time”, it can be really difficult to change the way you think about relaxing. Here are a few ways to get you started:

Rethink downtime. Don’t look at downtime as time wasted or lost, but an investment in yourself. If you’re working yourself into the ground, your work, your health and happiness will suffer.

Give yourself some credit. Instead of looking at what’s always left on your plate at the end of day, review what you have accomplished. Give yourself a high five and wrap it up for the day. You heard me, put the to do list away! It will still be there tomorrow.

Schedule time for nothing. Seriously, set times during the week where you have the freedom to choose what you would like to do – read a book, go for a walk with your family, your options are limitless. Your health and sanity is far more important than a list.